Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
TomoScan for Sector 32 ID C

import sys
import json
import time
import shutil
import os
import imp
import traceback
import signal
import random
import string

import h5py
from epics import PV
import numpy as np

from scanlib.tomo_scan_lib import *

__author__ = 'Mark Wolf'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017, UChicago Argonne, LLC.'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
__platform__ = 'Unix'
__version__ = '1.6'
__all__ = ['tomo_step_scan']

# Hardcoded values for verifier and TXM
VER_HOST = "txmtwo"
VER_PORT = "5011"
VER_DIR = "/local/usr32idc/conda/data-quality/"
INSTRUMENT = "/home/beams/USR32IDC/.dquality/32id_micro"
IOC_PREFIX = '32idcPG3'

variableDict = {
    'PreDarkImages': 5,
    'PreWhiteImages': 5,
    'Projections': 361,
    'PostDarkImages': 0,
    'PostWhiteImages': 5,
    'SampleXOut': 0.05,
    # 'SampleYOut': 0.1,
    # 'SampleZOut': 0,
    # 'SampleRotOut': 90.0,
    'SampleXIn': 0.0,
    # 'SampleYIn': 0.1,
    # 'SampleZIn': 0.0,
    'SampleStart_Rot': -90.,
    'SampleEnd_Rot': 90.,
    'StartSleep_min': 1,
    'StabilizeSleep_ms': 10,
    'ExposureTime_sec': 0.5,
    # 'ShutterOpenDelay': 0.05,
    # 'ExternalShutter': 0,
    # 'FileWriteMode': 'Stream',
    'rot_speed_deg_per_s': 0.5,
    'Recursive_Filter_N_Images': 2,

def set_exit_handler(func):
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, func)

def getVariableDict():
    return variableDict

[docs]def tomo_step_scan(angles, stabilize_sleep_ms=1., exposure=0.5, has_permit=False, num_white=(5, 5), num_dark=(5, 0), sample_pos=(None,), out_pos=(None,), rot_speed_deg_per_s=0.5, key=None, num_recursive_images=1): """Collect a series of projections at multiple angles. The given angles should span a range of 180°. The frames will be stored in an HDF file as determined by the camera and hdf settings on the instrument. Parameters ---------- angles : np.ndarray Numpy array with rotation (θ) angles, in degrees, for the projections. stabilize_sleep_ms : float, optional How long to wait, in milliseconds, at each angle for the rotation stage to settle. exposure : float, optional Exposure time in seconds for each projection. has_permit : bool, optional Whether the user has a priority for the shutters and source. num_white : 2-tuple(int), optional (pre, post) tuple for number of white field images to collect. num_dark : 2-tuple(int), optional (pre, post) tuple for number of dark field images to collect. sample_pos : 4-tuple(float), optional 4 (or less) tuple of (x, y, z, θ) for the sample position. out_pos : 4-tuple(float), optional 4 (or less) tuple of (x, y, z, θ) for white field position. rot_speed_deg_per_s : float, optional Angular speed for the rotation stage. key : Used for controlling the verifier instance. num_recursive_images : int, optional Recurisve averaging filter for combining multiple exposures. """ # Unpack options num_pre_white_images, num_post_white_images = num_white num_pre_dark_images, num_post_dark_images = num_dark # Some intial debugging start_time = time.time() log.debug('called start_scan()') # Start verifier on remote machine start_verifier(INSTRUMENT, None, variableDict, VER_DIR, VER_HOST, VER_PORT, key) # Prepare X-ray microscope txm = TXM(has_permit=has_permit) # Prepare the microscope for collecting data txm.setup_detector(exposure=exposure) total_projections = len(angles) total_projections += num_pre_white_images + num_post_white_images total_projections += num_pre_dark_images + num_post_dark_images txm.setup_hdf_writer(num_projections=total_projections, num_recursive_images=num_recursive_images) # Collect pre-scan dark-field images if num_pre_dark_images > 0: txm.close_shutters() txm.capture_dark_field(num_projections=num_pre_dark_images) # Collect pre-scan white-field images if num_pre_white_images > 0:"Capturing %d white-fields at %s", num_pre_white_images, out_pos) with txm.wait_pvs(): txm.move_sample(*out_pos) txm.open_shutters() txm.capture_white_field(num_projections=num_pre_white_images) # Capture the actual sample data with txm.wait_pvs(): txm.move_sample(*sample_pos) txm.open_shutters() log.debug('Starting tomography scan') txm.capture_tomogram(angles=angles, num_projections=num_recursive_images, stabilize_sleep=stabilize_sleep_ms) # Capture post-scan white-field images if num_post_white_images > 0: with txm.wait_pvs(): txm.move_sample(*out_pos) txm.capture_white_field(num_projections=num_post_white_images) # Capture post-scan dark-field images txm.close_shutters() if num_post_dark_images > 0: txm.capture_dark_field(num_projections=num_post_dark_images) # Save metadata with txm.hdf_file() as f: f.create_dataset('/exchange/theta', data=angles) # Clean up txm.reset_ccd()"Captured %d projections in %d sec.", total_projections, time.time() - start_time) return txm
def main(): # Prepare the exit handler key = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters[26:]+string.digits) for _ in range(10)) def on_exit(sig, func=None): cleanup(global_PVs, variableDict, VER_HOST, VER_PORT, key) sys.exit(0) set_exit_handler(on_exit) # Update user settings update_variable_dict(variableDict) # Extract variables from the global dictionary sleep_time = float(variableDict['StartSleep_min']) * 60.0 num_pre_dark_images = int(variableDict['PreDarkImages']) num_post_dark_images = int(variableDict['PostDarkImages']) num_dark = (num_pre_dark_images, num_post_dark_images) num_pre_white_images = int(variableDict['PreWhiteImages']) num_post_white_images = int(variableDict['PostWhiteImages']) num_white = (num_pre_white_images, num_post_white_images) exposure = float(variableDict['ExposureTime_sec']) sample_rot_end = float(variableDict['SampleEnd_Rot']) sample_rot_start = float(variableDict['SampleStart_Rot']) num_projections = int(variableDict['Projections']) rot_speed_deg_per_s = float(variableDict['rot_speed_deg_per_s']) angles = np.linspace(sample_rot_start, sample_rot_end, num=num_projections) sample_pos = (variableDict.get('SampleXIn', None), variableDict.get('SampleYIn', None), variableDict.get('SampleZIn', None), sample_rot_start) out_pos = (variableDict.get('SampleXOut', None), variableDict.get('SampleYOut', None), variableDict.get('SampleZOut', None), 0) num_recursive_images = int(variableDict['Recursive_Filter_N_Images']) step_size = ((sample_rot_end - sample_rot_start) / (num_projections - 1.0)) stabilize_sleep_ms = float(variableDict['StabilizeSleep_ms']) # Pre-scan sleep log.debug("Sleeping for %d seconds", int(sleep_time)) time.sleep(sleep_time) # Call the main tomography function return tomo_step_scan(angles=angles, stabilize_sleep_ms=stabilize_sleep_ms, exposure=exposure, has_permit=SHUTTER_PERMIT, key=key, num_white=num_white, num_dark=num_dark, sample_pos=sample_pos, out_pos=out_pos, rot_speed_deg_per_s=rot_speed_deg_per_s, num_recursive_images=num_recursive_images) if __name__ == '__main__': # Set up default stream logging # Choices are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL logfile = '/home/beams/USR32IDC/wolfman/wolfman-devel.log' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, filename=logfile) logging.captureWarnings(True) # Launch the main script portion main()